Ontario Handspinning Seminar
Liam Blackburn
Recreating Historic Textiles: Research Meets Artistry at the Dyepot
Liam Blackburn is the owner / operator of Iron Cauldron Colour Works, a small batch dye and pigment company specializing in custom projects and textile reproduction based in Toronto, ON. With the goal of helping to grow and support the Upper Canada Fibreshed, Liam works with natural and synthetic dyes as project appropriate but specializes in working with natural colourants. As someone who enjoys the intersection of artistic practice and scientific method, dyeing and textile arts was a natural fit for his interests and after finishing his BFA in Sculpture at OCADU, that interest grew into his primary artistic focus. From this, Iron Cauldron Colour Works was officially launched in 2021.
Join dyer Liam Blackburn of Iron Cauldron Colour Works as he discusses the process and experiences of working collaboratively to recreate historic textiles and new textiles inspired by historic sources.
Covering research, dye selection, experimentation, and artistic license — which all play a role in creating new works drawing on our textile past within the Upper Canada Fibreshed — this talk aims to highlight dyeing as a critical and fascinating element of textile creation and show the value of historic textiles as sources of inspiration for contemporary makers.
Instagram: @ironcauldron.ca